
March 23, 2022 by NutraPak USA

Anyone who is interested in omega-3 supplements may be curious about krill oil vs fish oil benefits. Are these two the same or do they have distinct qualities? In this article, we’ll explore krill oil benefits, fish oil benefits, and why someone might choose one over the other.

Krill Oil vs Fish Oil: Benefits Shared By Both

Before looking at krill oil vs fish oil benefits, let’s consider what they have in common. Both krill and fish oil supplements are mainly valued as good sources of omega-3 fatty acids. In particular, there are three omega-3s that are important for nutrition: eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). Both fish oil and krill oil are potent sources of DHA and EPA.

People can get omega-3s from their diet by eating more seafood, while ALA is found in plant sources such as flaxseeds. Eating seafood consistently is not ideal for everyone. Taking fish oil or krill oil supplement is a more convenient way to get a standardized dose of healthy fatty acids. In addition, the purity of seafood is not always assured, while it’s easier to verify purity with supplements. The following are omega-3 benefits that you may get from either krill oil or fish oil.

  • Lowered risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.
  • Support eye health, and reduce the risk of macular degeneration.
  • Good for the skin. Supports hydration of skin may prevent acne and wrinkles.
  • Reduce symptoms of ADHD in children.
  • Improves bone and joint health. Boosts calcium levels. It may help symptoms of
  • Support brain health. May prevent mental decline and manage symptoms of
    Alzheimer’s Disease.

These fish oil benefits can also come from consuming foods rich in omega-3s in your diet. However, many people find it more convenient to take supplements. Now let’s look at the specifics of krill oil vs fish oil.

Krill Oil

Krill are small crustaceans, related to shrimp. Krill live in the depths of the ocean and are a food source for many fish and ocean creatures. Humans also consume krill, often in the form of krill oil supplements.

Krill Oil Benefits

Krill oil has gotten better known in recent years as a nutritional supplement. There are several krill oil benefits that are worth noting.

  • Rich in DHA and EPA, the nutritious omega-3 fatty acids are also found in fish
    oil. These fats have many benefits, such as supporting heart health and
    joint health.
  • Contains distinctive antioxidants. Krill oil supplements contain astaxanthin, an
    antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties not found in most fish oils.
  • Purity. Many consumers are rightly concerned about mercury and other contaminants in fish oil. Krill exist at the bottom of the food chain, which means they contain fewer contaminants than most fish.
  • Provides many fish oil benefits without the fishy aftertaste.

Fish Oil

Although the name krill comes from a Norwegian word for a type of fish, they are not actually fish. Krill oil and fish oil are derived from different types of sea creatures. Fish oil benefits can be derived from many species of fish that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These include tuna, salmon, mackerel, herring, and many others.

Fish Oil Benefits

  • Rich in healthy omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA.
  • Widely available, both online and in stores. Fish oil is sold by numerous brands
    and in all types of forms and doses.
  • Inexpensive to harvest and manufacture, making it one of the more affordable health supplements.

Krill Oil vs Fish Oil

When comparing krill oil vs fish oil benefits, keep in mind that both are quite nutritious and have the potential to improve many areas of your health. That said, there are certain pros and cons to each.

Krill Oil Supplements Pros

  • Tends to be pure and lower in contaminants than fish oil.
  • May provide better absorption. Some studies indicate that our bodies can
    absorb the nutrients in krill oil more effectively than in fish oil.
  • May provide more powerful heart benefits. One study found that krill oil was
    more effective than fish oil for lowering bad cholesterol, blood sugar,
    and triglycerides.
  • Krill oil benefits may require lower doses than fish oil. Krill oil seems to be
    more potent, which can help to counteract its higher cost.

Krill Oil Supplements Cons

  • May be harder to find than fish oil.
  • Higher price tag than fish oil supplements.
  • Some users experience side effects, similar to fish oil. These include
    gastrointestinal issues.

Fish Oil Supplements Pros

  • Available in many stores and from countless websites.
  • Affordable

Fish Oil Supplements Cons

  • Quality and purity differ greatly from one product to another. Because fish oil
    can come from so many places and species of fish, quality and purity can
    differ from one brand to another.
  • Many fish oil products have an unpleasant taste. However, some brands make
    deodorized fish oil products.
  • May produce side effects. Gastrointestinal symptoms have been reported by some
    users. These side effects have mostly been observed in people who already
    have gastrointestinal illnesses such as Crohn’s Disease.

Krill Oil vs Fish Oil: Which Should You Choose?

Both fish oil benefits and krill oil benefits have been well
documented. If you are wondering which is right for you, the following criteria
can help you decide on krill oil vs fish oil.

  • Your budget: While krill oil has some unique benefits, it’s also more expensive
    than fish oil. If you’re on a tight budget, you can find many economical fish oil supplements on the market.
  • How and where you shop: Depending on where you shop for supplements, you may
    find it easier to find fish oil. For example, you can find fish oil supplements in most larger grocery stores, pharmacies, Walmart, etc. At the same time, if you’re willing to shop online, it’s not hard to find krill oil supplements now.
  • How rich in omega-3s is your regular diet? If you regularly eat seafood, you may still want to supplement your diet with omega-3s, such as a fish oil supplement. Since research shows that krill oil supplements may be more potent, they might be a better choice if this will be your only or primary source of omega-3s.

When comparing krill oil vs fish oil, you also have to keep in mind that there can be significant differences between brands and particular products. With so many companies selling both krill and fish oil, you have to identify the products and dosages that are best for you.

Although it’s good to study the research, you may also want to conduct your own krill oil vs fish oil experiment. If you’re not sure which supplement is best for you, one option is to try taking fish oil for a certain period, such as a month, and then do the same with krill oil. You can see if you notice greater benefits from one over the other.

Contact NutraPak USA to learn more about our krill and fish oil supplements and see how we can help meet your supplement needs.

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